Journal of Digital Information Management

Vol No. 20 ,Issue No. 3 2022

Impact of Digital Leadership on Kuwaiti hospitals’ Employees’ Performance
Esraa Omran, Salah Al Sharhan, Tyrone Grandison
Esraa Omran, Salah Al Sharhan Gulf University for Science and Technology Kuwait.,
Abstract: The study aimed to identify the Impact of Digital Leadership on Kuwaiti hospitals' employees' performance using a descriptive and analytical methodology. According to statistics from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health, the study population consists of administrators in Kuwaiti hospitals, numbering 12006. A simple random sample commensurate with the study's objectives was drawn, numbering 372 administrators to distribute the study questionnaire to them, and 277 valid questionnaires were retrieved for analysis. It was also found that there is a statistically significant impact at the significance level (a=0.05) of digital leadership with its dimensions (innovation, persuasion, and knowledge) on Kuwaiti hospitals' employees' performance. The researchers recommended that it is essential to strengthening the factors that lead to enhancing the concept of digital leadership under its crucial elements in the work environment. as well as paying attention to the priorities of the impact of the digital leadership elements on the performance of employees to obtain a practical effect.
Keywords: Digital Leadership, Employees’ Performance, innovation, persuasion, and knowledge Kuwaiti Hospitals Impact of Digital Leadership on Kuwaiti hospitals’ Employees’ Performance
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