Journal of Digital Information Management

Vol No. 20 ,Issue No. 4 2022

COVID- 19 pandemic - An Empirical Study on the Cybersecurity Behaviour of Healthcare Sectors and Employees
Harrison Stewart
Harrison Stewart Group Germany
Abstract: Earlier research by our team have focussed the multilayer SAM spiking neural network using training algorithms for implementing FPGA. In the current work we have outlined the utilization of SAM-based network for developing function approximation. We have deployed the spike coding model for the work. In the testing we have proved that the “interpolated XOR” and 3-polynominal function approximation of this SAM network. We found that the SAM network has the ability to perform these function approximations to high accuracy.
Keywords: Covid19, Cybersecuriy, Human Physiology, Organisational Culture, Cybersecurity Culture COVID- 19 pandemic - An Empirical Study on the Cybersecurity Behaviour of Healthcare Sectors and Employees
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