Journal of Digital Information Management

Vol No. 21 ,Issue No. 4 2023

ERP Project Lifecycle costs: A Review
L’YARFI Hanane, MOTAKI Noureddine, DERRHI Mostafa, LAHLOU Imane
Laboratory of Innovative Technologies National school of applied sciences Abdelmalek Essaadi University Tangier Morocco
Abstract: Today, many organizations acquire and implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions to improve their operations performance and create value. However, they fail to achieve these objectives due to a lack of knowledge and a better estimating of all the costs related to an ERP system project. The purchasing costs of ERP systems are the most visible expense for many organizations that have adopted ERP systems, but the entire ERP lifecycle phase of implementation contains many hidden costs. As a result, institutions have long struggled with information system implementation cost verruns. This document presents the research on the various costs associated with the different stages of the life cycle of the REP project according to the literature on ERP lifecycle costs.
Keywords: ERP, costs, ERP lifecycle, Product Life cycle, Resource Allocation ERP Project Lifecycle costs: A Review
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