Journal of Digital Information Management

Vol No. 22 ,Issue No. 1 2024

A Recognition Learning System Based on Poetry Database and Text Pattern Function
Wang Jinli, Zheng Xiang
Universitas Indonesia, West Java Province Indonesia., Universitas Islam Indonesia A metropolitan suburb of Makassar in the province of South Sulawesi
Abstract: This article introduces a recognition learning system based on a poetry database and text pattern function. The system aims to help students better under- stand and remember poetry and improve the efficiency of Chinese language learning. The system’s core components include a poetry database, text pattern recognition, and personalized learning modules. The poetry database contains a wealth of poetry works, providing students with rich learning resources. The text pattern recognition module can automatically recognize patterns in poetry, such as rhyme and contrast, to help students understand the structural characteristics of poetry. The personalized learning module provides suggestions and exercises based on students’ learning progress and abilities to achieve precise teaching.
Keywords: Computer, Composing styles of Shi and Ci, Couplets antithesis A Recognition Learning System Based on Poetry Database and Text Pattern Function
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