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Digital Italy: Teacher Training as a Prerequisite for Economic Progress
D.L. Bearden
Master of Arts in Education Program University of Roehampton London Erasmus House, Roehampton Lane London SW15 5PU, United Kingdom
Abstract: Teaching and learning using digital technology is a concern to policy makers in Italy. All the European states are concerned about cognitonics in education. How will the emerging Digital Italy project affect emerging adults in the knowledge economy? What can be gained by expanding broadband capacity to all of Italy’s school population and at what cost? Does the use of emerging technology improve human contact and does it create opportunity for youth employment after graduation? Will university enrollment increase? This paper provides a snapshot of the cyber readiness of Italy at the midpoint of deploying Digital Italy.
Keywords: Digital Italy, Digital Technology, Cyber Readiness Digital Italy: Teacher Training as a Prerequisite for Economic Progress
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