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The Study of the Impact of the Search Algorithms in Board Games
Jorge Hernandez, Karen Daza, Hector Florez
Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas Bogota, Colombia
Abstract: Algorithms play a major role in games. The algorithms pass a node in the board games, the heuristic function get involved. Thus we tried to understand the evaluation process where the domain is treated. We in this current work, provided an approach to find the best movement by deploying a game tree, with an implementation for the board game called Othello. To study the desired factors and the best movement is obtained through an in-depth search, according to the designed heuristic. We experimented with two algorithms. The former is Mini-Max and its evolution to Alpha-Beta. The latter is Scout, which presents better performance regarding time. In addition, we present the results, rules, and implementation features.
Keywords: Board Games, Search Algorithms, Scout Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Game Tree, Alpha-Beta Pruning The Study of the Impact of the Search Algorithms in Board Games
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