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Study of the Air Quality and Cancer Incidents in Proximity in Waste and Incineration Treatment Areas
Miriam Ugarte Querejeta, Ricardo S Alonso
International University of La Rioja, Av. de la Paz 137 26006 LogroÃœno, Spain, 2BISITE Research Group, University of Salamanca Edificio Multiusos I+D+i, Calle Espejo 2, 37007 Salamanca, S
Abstract: In the world, currently pollution is on the rise which causes health issues. We in this paper studied the impact on human exposure and the air quality in the vicinity to hazardous waste and incineration treatment areas. It is evident that air pollution is dangerous and affect the health significantly. In the past many measures have been addressed to model the relationship between the proximity to these industrial plants, cancer incidences, and the air quality. On the one hand, logistic regressions were carried out by having the distance as a categorical variable. On the other hand, variable where GAM models were performed. The air quality parameters PM10 and NO2 are higher in proximity to industrial areas according to both techniques, whereas O3 happens to be lower. Regarding the incidences of cancer, logistic regressions show that the incidences are higher in proximity to certain industrial plants. However, there is no clear conclusion according to the GAM models.
Keywords: Hazardous waste, Air Quality, Cancer Incidence GAM Models, Logistic Regressions, Pollutants Study of the Air Quality and Cancer Incidents in Proximity in Waste and Incineration Treatment Areas
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