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Electronic Devices

Field Programmable GateArray Devices and their Applications. The Hardware Aspects
Adnan Ghaderi, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mohammad Ashjaei, Mohammad Loni, Saad Mubeen, Mikael Sjodin
Malardalen University, Vasteras & Sweden
Abstract: The timeliness and low latency communication with Ethernet Switch is given importance in standardization activities. The need for modern camera-based vechicles, lidars and high power sensors make it mandatory for the intensive data transmission. The standards relating to Time-Sensitive Networks are emerging and improving for which proper hardware requirements have to be moved. Besides, to get full benefits from the standards, high performance hardware is felt. The current work designed models to contribute to the modular hardware of the multistage time sensitive networking in the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits. It uses the hardware description language which is based on Field Programmable GateArray devices. The major issues in this direction are properly addressed in this work.
Keywords: Time-Sensitive Network, FPGA, Predictability, Memory Management Field Programmable GateArray Devices and their Applications. The Hardware Aspects
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