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Command based Task Oriented Hybrid System for the Music Field
Yuquan Le, Xian Li, Suixue Wang, Peng Wang, Haiqian Lin, Guanyu Jiang
Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology co., LTD
Abstract: In the field of natural language applications, dialogue system plays a central role. In the music field, a set of challenges were fixed during the knowledge graph conclave. As the part of this exercise we considered the Intent Identification in music field and Slot Filling in field task. A Multifast text and conditional random field methods for the task is proposed in this work. While testing we found that the intent identification scores are significant and the accuracy rates are convincing. The overall results are more satisfactory which provide reliability of the proposed system.
Keywords: Intent Identification, Slot Filling, Conditional Random Field, Multi-fastText Command based Task Oriented Hybrid System for the Music Field
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