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Electronic Devices

Electrochemical Test Devices using Aqueous Solutions
Ratka Neshkovska, Mimoza Ristova and Julijana Velevska
Faculty of Technical Sciences at “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Bitolaa Makedonska Falanga 33, Bitola 7000, R. Macedonia., Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at “Ss. Kiril&Metodij” University of Skopje, Arhimedova 10 Skopje 1000, R.
Abstract: In this study we have deposited the electrochromic copper oxide files for conductive glass substrates with electrochemical analysis. We have organized the electrochemical test device using aqueous solution. We have recorded the observations from the reflectance spectral of the films in various states.
Keywords: Variational Approach, Variational Analysis of Electric Circuits, Basic Theorems for Variational Analysis, Methodologies for Variational Analysis Electrochemical Test Devices using Aqueous Solutions
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