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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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International Journal of Information Studies

Case Study of Digital Resource and Services
Vijayakumar, C. S.
Saurastra College & Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: Digital Libraries are being created today for diverse communities and in different fields e.g. Gate way of the Knowledge, Education, Science, Culture, Development, Health, Governance and so on. With the availability of several free digital Library software packages at the recent time, the creation and sharing of information through the digital library collections has become an attractive and feasible proposition for library and information professionals around the world. The paper ends with a call to integrate digitization into the plans and policies of any institution to maximize its effectiveness. The due to the tremendous growth and continuous development of technology, the role of library becomes more responsive in making the users techno-savvy. Technological developments have affected not only the formats and sources of the information, but also how and where to provide library services. Libraries and their resources have partially moved to the virtual world of the Internet.
Keywords: Digital Libraries, Digital Services, Digitisation Case Study of Digital Resource and Services
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