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International Journal of Information Studies

Copy Right (Amendment) Act 2012 with Respect to Digitalization of Library
Sivaramasethu. V, Sampath. V. S.
Law Wing, D. D. E., Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India
Abstract: Copyright plays a major role in the use of books in libraries. The copyright Act, 1957 was borrowed extensively from the new Copyright Act of the United Kingdom of 1956 since then the act has been amended six times. The copyright (Amendment) Act 2012 is more substantial. This paper explains the law and its features and implications.
Keywords: Copyright, Copyirght Act, Digitalization, Digital Library Copy Right (Amendment) Act 2012 with Respect to Digitalization of Library
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[1] Indian Copyright Act. (1957). Retrieved from http://copyright.gov.in
[2] James, T. C. (2005). Digital Technology and Libraries: A Copyright Law Approach. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 52 (1) 1-7.
[3] Kumar, N. (2009). Library Vendor /Publisher Interface. International Conference on Academic Libraries-2009 (ICAL- 2009), Delhi, 5- 8 p. 427-431, (October). University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi

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