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International Journal of Information Studies

Cataloguing and Digitization of Manuscripts in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Libraries: A Critical Study
Ravichandran, P
Library and Information Science Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar India
Abstract: There is a real need to study cataloguing and digitization of manuscripts (mss) to perceive the current situation of manuscripts collection in the two states of Tamil Nadu (TN) and Puducherry (PY). National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM), and many institutions, societies, universities, mathas, play an important role in preserving the manuscripts for the future. The researchers have selected a sample of five important mss collections administered by different organization in TN PY in the diversity of knowledge and languages. The study founded that only one library has completed its cataloguing of mss, created online manuscript database and found that only two mss libraries have completed digitization, out of which only one library collection is available online.
Keywords: Manuscripts, Palm Leaf Manuscripts, Cataloguing, Digitization,Tamil Nadu, Puducherry Cataloguing and Digitization of Manuscripts in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Libraries: A Critical Study
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