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International Journal of Information Studies

A Critical Study on “Progressive Innovation in Academic Libraries and Role of Librarians” in the Digital Era
Ravichandran, P and Ranjini Syam
Wing Head, Library and Information Science, wing DDE Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar Tamil Nadu., Research Scholar DLIS, Annamalai University Tamil Nadu
Abstract: Since the Academic Library and Education are the twin concepts for a successful educational development in an institution, rejuvenation of the Academic Libraries is a necessity in the 21st century. For a Progressive evolution of the Library we need to make reasonable efforts. Radical Innovation is not advisable in an Academic Library. We should honor the past and create the future. Use technology for improving our life and respecting the new developments in 21st century Learning Commons. 21st century libraries offer inspirations to the user groups by providing the materials, programming, visual arts and maker activities using sustainable innovations and teaching and motivating the new generation to improve the current best practices. The 4Cs of 21st century Learning are Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. Among all the new developments, strongly recommending a corner for the physical library along with its physical collection which is an essential component of an Academic Library and the role of a 21st century Librarian while organizing the knowledge during the Library Technology interchange are the main components of the paper.
Keywords: Innovation in Learning Commons, Resources and Services, Library Consortium, Academic Libraries A Critical Study on “Progressive Innovation in Academic Libraries and Role of Librarians” in the Digital Era
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