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International Journal of Information Studies

Research Publications in the IEEE Transactions on Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
M. Suresh Babu., P Gopala Krishna
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous & NAAC A++) Hyderabad
Abstract: In the last decade, scientometric studies get momentum due to extensive research activities in the domain. Out of the various kinds of studies, the research on individual journals and their contributions is gaining interest among researchers. We, in this work, have analyzed the 1169 contributions published in the IEEE Transactions on Education for twenty years between 2001 and 2020. An attempt is made to explore and discuss the article, year-wise and volume-wise authorship, the annual growth rate of publications, relative growth rate, doubling time, author’s productivity, and the single and multi-authored papers of the journal. The findings of the results revealed that the maximum number of publications ((7.36%) were published in the year 2005, whereas the minimum number (2.91%) were published in the year 2014. The degree of collaboration (DC) ranges, the relative growth rates (RGR), and doubling time (DT) has also been measured. The average number of authors per paper is 2.72, and the average productivity per author is 0.37. The highest number of documents for authors at an average is 3.27, which was published in 2016.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, IEEE Transactions on Education, Authorship Pattern; Degree of Collaboration, Relative Growth Rate, Publication Analysis Research Publications in the IEEE Transactions on Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
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