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International Journal of Information Studies

Library Services in the Context of Modern Requirements of Information Society
Evgeniya Pshenichnaya., Lidiya Kurmysheva
State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS Assistant Director for International Relations Russian Federation., Lidiya Kurmysheva State Public Scientific Technological Library of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
Abstract: This study considers a wide range of services provided by the largest Russian and foreign to their users. The authors used the quantitative content analysis method. In this study library was considered as source of reliable information in comparison to Internet resources. The authors studied modern services that have become popular with the emergence of digital forms for verifying information. In this way, libraries seek to create an optimal approach to implement cognitive, memorial, and educational functions within their direct activities. Library has a clear opportunity to provide its users with a range of necessary services and it can become one of the key actors in providing reliable information.
Keywords: Library Services, Information Society, Library Users, False Information, Reliable Information Library Services in the Context of Modern Requirements of Information Society
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