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International Journal of Information Studies

Use of E- Resources by Researchers in Selected Institutions: A Regression Analysis Based Study
V. Senthur Velmurugan
Kongu Arts And Science College Erode, Tamil Nadu 638107
Abstract: The present examination has been given to answer the impact of e-resources. This investigation relies upon the customer capacity of the assessment researchers of the picked association of southern India. E-Resources, particularly in advanced education and research, is getting a prime spot in scholastic exercises. The scholarly network is gradually exchanging over from utilizing print assets to e-assets. Changing the knowledgeable network's need for e-assets makes another test to the library of the executives at those organizations. Studies are directed to consider the need for and utilization of e-assets for scholarly purposes. This investigation is planned to survey the stretch out of the utilization of eassets by researchers and the personnel of those foundations of southern India. It is commonly seen that the scholarly network is very much aware of e-assets and keen on utilizing them to the greatest. Yet, it feels that the offices are lacking to advance and reinforce the utilization of e-assets in educational establishments.
Keywords: E-resources, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Sample Size, Sample Unit, and Sample Techniques, and Ranking Use of E- Resources by Researchers in Selected Institutions: A Regression Analysis Based Study
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