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International Journal of Information Studies

Smart Technology, Human Behaviour and Organisational Performance in University Libraries
Mausi Ajoviyon Bokoh, Oluwaseun Adeola Abiodun-Asanre
Fatiu Ademola Akesode Library Lagos State University Ojo, Nigeria
Abstract: Smart technology is a product of continuous advancement in technology. The new generation of technologies under the name smart technologies are more interconnected and personal. However,smart technologies are adopted by the libraries. This research was carried outat Lagos State University and Lagos State University of Education. Libraries play a crucial role in achieving academic goals, and this role becomes critical in the adoption and integration of smart technologies. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study is 50 library staff. Standard deviation, mean, frequency counts and percentages were used to analyse data. Internet 3.61%, Smart Phones 2.68% and Cell Phones 2.61% were the smart technologies available in the libraries. The result on the effectiveness of intelligent technology adoption shows that access to unlimited information 3.48% was effectively used. The effect of smart technology shows that it saves time 3.33). Poor funding of ICT infrastructures 3.3) wasthe challenge of smart technology in the libraries. In conclusion, technologies have brought unprecedented change and transformation to library resources and services. This study recommends that libraries organise regular ICT training for effective service delivery.
Keywords: Smart Technology, Human Behaviour, Organisation Performance, Nigeria University Libraries Smart Technology, Human Behaviour and Organisational Performance in University Libraries
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