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International Journal of Information Studies

Role of Public Libraries for the Preservation of Mizo Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Era
Esther Lalruatpuii, Ngurtinkhuma R.K
Mizoram University India
Abstract: The preservation of cultural history, cultivation of identity, and promotion of sustainable development are all significant outcomes associated with using indigenous knowledge. In the context of the digital age, it is imperative to examine strategies for effectively preserving and advancing Indigenous Knowledge. This article explores the role of public libraries in keeping Mizo Indigenous Knowledge within the context of the digital era. It emphasizes the importance of this distinct knowledge system and examines the obstacles and possibilities that emerge due to technological progress. This study examines various approaches to digitising and conservating Mizo Indigenous Knowledge. It aims to enhance accessibility through digital platforms, involve the Mizo community in preservation endeavours, and establish sustainable practices. This paper seeks to contribute to the continuing discourse surrounding the preservation of Indigenous Knowledge and its contemporary relevance by analysing the significant role public libraries play.
Keywords: Indigenous Knowledge, Preservation, Digital Age, Public Library, Mizo Role of Public Libraries for the Preservation of Mizo Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Era
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