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International Journal of Information Studies

A Descriptive Statistical Study of the use of E-Resources by the Research Scholars in Selected Institutions of South Tamilnadu
V. SenthurVelmurugan
Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) Nanjanapuram, Erode – 638 107 Tamilnadu, India
Abstract: Purpose: This study discovers the utilization of e-assets and the example of the association of e-assets in the instructive and examination fields. This study depends on the client ability of the examination scholars of chosen organizations of Southern Tamilnadu, India. Design / Methodology/ Approach: The present examination is of a similar sort. An example is taken from the objectivepopulace being inquired about. An example is a piece of the populace, which is considered to make derivations about theentire populace. If the example is satisfactory, it will have similar qualities to the populace (Ritchie et al., 2013)11, and the discoveries are normally used to make decisions about the populace. In this manner, a decent example is a smaller-than normal rendition of the populace, and a great example configuration includes the accompaniment of: • Sample Unit • Sample Size • Sampling Technique Findings: Ranking internet utility shows that its usage for educational purposes got the first rank with a mean value of 4.33.Ranking to use library shows that Gain CAS obtained the first rank with a mean value of 4.06, to support research work and consult journals/periodicals obtained the second rank with a mean value of 3.94. Using the Internet obtained the third rank with a mean value of 3.88, and studying Course material obtained the fourth rank with a mean value of 3.79. Research Limitations: The scope of the study is confined only to the six universities in Southern Tamil Nadu. The research scholars’ opinion is based not only on the present experience but also on the impressions from their previous experience of accessing E-resources. The findings may not be applicable when the set of circumstances during the period of study changes. Originality / Value: The sample was selected from six South Tamil Nadu districts, including Madurai, Dindigul, Kanyakumari, Sivagangai, Tirunelveli, and Virudhunagar.
Keywords: E-Resources, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Southern Tamil Nadu, Sample Size, Sample Unit, Sample Techniques, and Ranking. A Descriptive Statistical Study of the use of E-Resources by the Research Scholars in Selected Institutions of South Tamilnadu
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