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International Journal of Information Studies

Study of Chat GPT influence on Academic World for Learning and Research Activities
P. Raghavaiah, Karnati Srikanth
Librarian, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India., Librarian, Mahindra University, Bahadurpally, Hyderabad Telangana, India
Abstract: Since the ChatGPT was announced in November 2022, there has been buzz that this technology will changethe informationretrieval behaviourof academicians worldwide. This paper has attempted to diagnose the implications of chat GPT on academic activities and libraries. Chat GPT is a revolutionary invention, and content generation is becoming accessible, unlikebefore. Earlier, there was a need to check hundreds of documents based on the query terms. Now, the chat GPT will provide only the most relevant documents with sum-up information, which looks like a subject expert or a colleague offers it.
Keywords: Chat GPT, Academic Library, Reference Librarian, Content Generation Study of Chat GPT influence on Academic World for Learning and Research Activities
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