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International Journal of Web Applications

Designing an Interactive Framework for Online Collaborative Learning
Simone Belli
Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid 28040 & Spain
Abstract: Online collaborative learning is proved to help to detect how people share innovation and creativity processes. For this study we engaged a few undergraduate students, their professors, and international experts in online meetings by constituting a framework. The interactions are based on verbal and body language in the collaboration process for which a multimodal is created. With the help of the conversation analysis this study exposed how the people interact with both verbal and nonverbal expression. We use the methods that solicit data for identifying innovation promoted in online collaborative learning. The interaction between participants is recorded with multimodal interaction analysis focusing on social interaction processes. In the process, we have created a structure of the links between participants in a group interactional process that follows similar patterns and structures. In practice, this order is intentionally interrupted by chaos and emergencies to stimulate creativity. Evidences drawn can support the concept that how this disorder influences the design and framework of the interactive meetings.
Keywords: Innovation, Online Collaborative Learning, Conversation Analysis, Multimodal Interaction Designing an Interactive Framework for Online Collaborative Learning
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