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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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International Journal of Web Applications

Impact of Data Mining and Social Media Marketing to Enrich Customer Satisfaction
Impact of Data Mining and Social Media Marketing to Enrich Customer Satisfaction
International Information Technology University Manas St. 34/1, Almaty, 050040 Kazakhstan
Abstract: Data mining techniques are intensively utilized to process all the collected data quickly and support firms in being competitive in different markets. Customer satisfaction rate is highly dependent on the ability of businesses to manipulate huge amounts of information and make appropriate decisions based on such manipulation. Supplying a unique algorithm for targeted advertisement and account promotion based on Big Data analysis has allowed Instagram to become a company that successfully meets the f+demand of both its B2B and end-consumers. This research aims to demonstrate how social media uses data and data mining to bring value to the customers and increase their satisfaction level on the example of Instagram. Quantitative and qualitative study is conducted to support research with primary data input. The sample size for quantitative analysis is 106 Instagram users, aged 16+, living in Kazakhstan. Google form questionnaires were used to collect answers. During the research, several study development and opportunity areas were revealed to continue the in-depth investigation of the case. One such question is data privacy which can also be studied on the example of several social networks.
Keywords: Social Media, Instagram, Target Advertisement, Data Mining, Customer Satisfaction, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Impact of Data Mining and Social Media Marketing to Enrich Customer Satisfaction
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