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Artificial Emotions for Distributed Cyber-physical Systems Resilience
Eskandar Kouicem, Cl–ement Ranevsky, Michel Occello
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP LCIS, 26000 Valence France
Abstract: The concept of system resilience is important and popular in different domains like psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and more recently in cognitive science, biological disciplines, ecology and computer science. The main objective of this paper is to present a research avenue exploring the applicability of knowledge from those domains to solve resilience problems in cyber-physical systems. Emotions have been identified as an important process to cope with unexpected events and is therefore crucial for resilience. Our work is thus aimed at utilizing emotion-like processes in cyber-physical systems to improve their resilience, at individual and collective levels. Furthermore, one of our main assumptions is that the multi-agent paradigm is particularly well suited to embed such emotion-like processes in this type of systems.
Keywords: Artificial Emotions, Multi-agent Systems, Cyber-physical Systems, Resilience, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Human and Social Sciences Artificial Emotions for Distributed Cyber-physical Systems Resilience
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