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Creation of Abstract Syntax for Declarative Logic Programming
Marco alberti and Marco Gavanelli and Evelina Lamma
CENTRIA, DI-FCT, universidade nova de lisboa, portugal ENDIF, universita di ferrara, italy
Abstract: Abductive logic programming is a logical representation of abductive reasoning. Most ALP frameworks express domain-specific logical relationships that the abductive answers must satisfy. A priori, the integrity constraints are known. However, for some applications (e.g., Interactive Abduction Logic Programming, Multi-Agent Interactions, Contracting), it is reasonable to loosen this assumption so that the abductive reasoning process starts incompletely aware of the integrity constraints and continues without restarting when a new integrity constraint is known. In the present paper, we provide an abstract syntax for the declarative logic programming of abductive logic, with the addition of integrity constraint during the process of abductive reasoning, an operational implementation with formal termination, good and completeness properties, and an implementation based on SCIFF language and proof procedure.
Keywords: Abductive Logic Programming, Abductive Reasoning, Declarative Logic Programming, Abstract Syntax Creation of Abstract Syntax for Declarative Logic Programming
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