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Journal of Electronic Systems

Algorithm Selection for Automated Audio Classification based on Content
Ivo Draganov, Krasimir Minchev
Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: Audio sources classification is an important task for which we propose an algorithm based on content of the source. Our approach is based on three primary models that depends on music discrimination, average frame power and Hz energy modulation. We found that these models are effective in various levels. To evaluate we did testing based many musical pieces where accuracy and time consumption are assessed. We have provided a complete audio classification system which has been proved with the statistical testing where the switching is possible. Future directions of research is also indicated in the study.
Keywords: Audio Classification, Music Speech Discrimination, 4Hz Energy Modulation, Zero-Crossing Rate, Average Frame Power Algorithm Selection for Automated Audio Classification based on Content
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