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Journal of Electronic Systems

Study of the Effects of OTA Imperfections in the Second Order Gm-C Filters
Boncho Nikov, Ivan Uzunov, Marin Hristov
Melexis Bulgaria Ltd, 2 Samokovsko Shosse blvd, 1138 Sofia Bulgaria., Smartcom Bulgaria AD, 133 Tzarigradsko Shosse Blvd, 1784 Sofia Bulgaria., Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: With the help of two integrator loop configuration the effects of OTA imperfections in the second order Gm-C filters is studied. We assume the single stage CMOS OTA in the investigations and the most important OTA imperfections in this case are their input resistance and input capacitances. We found that the several considered circuits have similar properties concerning these imperfections and it is shown that the gyrator biquad has the best behaviour.
Keywords: Gm-C Filters, Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA), Imperfections, Biquads Study of the Effects of OTA Imperfections in the Second Order Gm-C Filters
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