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Journal of Electronic Systems

Design of Proportional Controller for Integral Time Delay Systems
Radmila Gerov, Zoran Jovanovi
School of Agriculture with a student’s dormitory Rajko Bosni, Bukovo bb, 19300 Negotin, Serbia & Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Abstract: In this work we have given the design of the P (proportional) controller for integral time-delay systems by employing a pole placement method. By determining the setpoint conditions on the selection of the dominant poles and the amplification coefficient of the controllers, systems stability in the absence of perturbations is guaranteed. We support this work with experimentation.
Keywords: P Controller, Integral Time Delay Systems, Lambert W Function, Pole Placement Design of Proportional Controller for Integral Time Delay Systems
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