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Journal of Electronic Systems

Radiation Pattern in Antenna Reflectors with QUAD Antenna
Kalina Kalinovska and Kliment Angelov
Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria., Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: Antenna reflectors are designed for an application which is not aimed in this paper. We also performed the radiation pattern with 2biQUAD antenna. In a contrast we have performed the radiation pattern in the vertical direction. Radio networks are likely to use the radio coverage applications with the measurements we have drawn.
Keywords: 2biquad, Radiation Pattern Experimental Mesurments, Antenna, Omni-antenna Radiation Pattern in Antenna Reflectors with QUAD Antenna
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