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Journal of Electronic Systems

Architecture for testing Capacitive Transducers
Veselka Ivancheva, Silvia Kachulkova, Bozhidar Dzhudzhev and Vladislav Slavov
Faculty of Automatics at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: This article has described first the architecture for Testing Of Capacitive Transducers For Measuring Small Linear Displacement. Later we have studied the application for measuring the small linear displacement of the capacitive transducers. For testing we have calculated the distance between electrodes and the overlapping part of the electrodes and addressed the functions of the capacitive transducers’ formation.
Keywords: Small Linear Displacement, Capacitive Transducer, Wheatstone Bridge, Resonant Circuit, Oscillator Architecture for testing Capacitive Transducers
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