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A Study Of Dynamic Height of the Mass Center with Stability Curves
Mariya Eremieva, Viktoriya Sabeva, Mariya Nikolova, Emiliya Koleva
Engineering Faculty at Naval Academy Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov, 73 Vasil Drumev str, Varna 9026 Bulgaria
Abstract: We are determining the steadiness of a ship at both small and large tipping angles through the creation of Static Stability Curves. This approach introduces the concept of Dynamic Height of the Mass Centre (DHMC)
Keywords: Static Stability Curves, Dynamic Height of the Mass Centre, Metacentric Height A Study Of Dynamic Height of the Mass Center with Stability Curves
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[1] Zhelyazkov, M., Kaloyanchev, P. (2001). Book of problems based on ships theory. Military Publisher

[2] Petkov, P., Petkova, V., Draganov, I. (2008). Theory of the ships and ships construction. Steno.

[3] Resolution 749 (18) of IMO-requirements for SSC.

[4] STCW Module 17-Introduction to Ships.

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