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Journal of Electronic Systems

Digital Media Industry Development Planning and Realistic Teaching
Yonghong Wang, Liping Wang
Hunan Vocational College of Business and Technology Hengyang, Hunan, 421200 China
Abstract: This article explores the relationship between the development planning of the digital media industry and real-life teaching. With the continuous development of digital technology, the media industry is also undergoing unprecedented changes. Therefore, how to adapt to this trend, formulate reasonable development plans, and combine them with real-life teaching to improve teaching quality and effectiveness has become a topic of great concern. The use of digital media technology can innovate teaching methods, achieve diversified teaching, and enhance students’ interest and participation in learning. Secondly, digital media technology can provide rich teaching resources, help students better master knowledge, and improve teaching effectiveness. Finally, digital media technology can provide students with a more realistic practical environment and improve their practical abilities and comprehensive qualities.
Keywords: Digital Media, Teaching Model, Major Digital Media Industry Development Planning and Realistic Teaching
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