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A Pre-trained BERT Model for Arabic Author Profiling
Chiyu Zhang, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Natural Language Processing Lab The University of British Columbia, Canada
Abstract: We report our models for detecting age, language variety, and gender from social media data in the context of the Arabic author profiling and deception detection shared task (APDA) [32].We build simple models based on pre-trained bidirectional encoders from transformers (BERT). We first fine-tune the pre-trained BERT model on each of the three datasets with shared task released data. Then we augment shared task data with in-house data for gender and dialect, showing the utility of augmenting training data. Our best models on the shared task test data are acquired with a majority voting of various BERT models trained under different data conditions. We acquire 54.72% accuracy for age, 93.75% for dialect, 81.67% for gender, and 40.97% joint accuracy across the three tasks.1
Keywords: Author Profiling Identification, BERT, Arabic, Social Media A Pre-trained BERT Model for Arabic Author Profiling
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