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Journal of Intelligent Computing

The Development of an Analytical System for Student Support Services
Bundit Busaba, Suchai Thanawastien, Prinya Tantaswadi
School of Science and Technology Shinawatra University Thailand
Abstract: The higher education is very essential for people because it concerns with an individual’s quality of life improvement, future career possibilities, upper wages and so on. However, many students drop out of the university because of diverse problems. The student problems are divided into five main aspects: learning, financial, social, health and psychological aspect. Some students face with one problem; others face with more than one. To maintain the student retention rate and to increase the opportunity to graduate from the university, the student support services workflow information system (SSS WIS) is necessary for the university. The proposed SSS WIS can screen the student with problems for incubating. In this paper, the education analytics for the student support services is proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed method can raise student retention rates to 92.76 percent.
Keywords: Student Support Services, Workflow Information System, Educational Analytics, Retention The Development of an Analytical System for Student Support Services
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