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Regional Development Inequality Classification
Muhammad Nasir Azis, Tb. Ai Munandar, Riyan Naufal Hay’s, Harsiti, Wahyudin, Gus Setyawan
Universitas Serang Raya Serang, Indonesia
Abstract: Development inequality is a situation in which there are differences in development achievements between one region and another. There are many approaches to measure and to classify development inequality, but there is no focus on measuring inequality based on distance between data of development achievement, such as using data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This research aims to classify regional development inequality based on distance between data of development achievement using Fuzzy-Klassen approach. Analysis data sample is GRDP of West Java in 2015 and 2016. The result of this research shows that there are 89% of regencies/cities included in rapid-developing category (K1), 7% are in the category of developed but depressed (K2), while 4% of them are in the category of underdeveloped regions (K4).
Keywords: Development Inequality, GRDP, Classification of Development Inequality, Distance Between Data of Development Achievement, Fuzzy-klassen Regional Development Inequality Classification
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