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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Survey of Computational Intelligence in the Management of Skin Disorders
Veronica Tintin, Jose Caiza, Hebert Atencio, Fernando Caicedo
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE & Quijano Ordonez y Hermanas Paez, Latacunga - Ecuador
Abstract: Health care systems undergone rapid changes due to the infusion of computational intelligence and information technology as a whole. Dermatology developments are mainly possible due to the technology applications. It is the field that experiences vast changes and these are reflected in mobile health and other means. Besides, many more mobile applications are making influence in the medical care and diagnosis and found suitable to modern medical systems. We in this work carried out a survey using mobile applications which use computational intelligence for sensing skin disorders. The applications consider mainly on the level of sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of the given diagnoses in comparison to the accuracy of a dermatologist. In the survey we observed many applications of care and diagnosis of skin diseases. It is noticed that only a few list the techniques that use these applications for the classification of the disease. Many applications use a high levels of precision, and mainly those that utilize artificial neural networks and vector support machine algorithms. Even with the developments the techniques are available only for a number of limited diseases. These issues lead to conclude that the direction of the research towards the field of dermatology can contribute to the minimization of the gap between stakeholders.
Keywords: Mobile Applications, Dermatology Apps, Skin Care, Dermatology, Smartphone, Articial Intelligence Survey of Computational Intelligence in the Management of Skin Disorders
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