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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Biological Control of the Chestnut Plants in Europe using Simulations
Carlos Balsa, Margaux Citerici, Isabel Lopes, Jos´e Rufino
Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), Instituto Polit´ecnico de Bragan¸ca, Campus de Santa Apol´onia, 5300-253 Bragan¸ca, Portugal Universit´e de Toulouse - Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France Applied Man
Abstract: In the last few years, a plague has infused the chestnut trees substantially which has a high negative effect on the chestnut production. To overcome the plague the T Sinensis parasites are found more effective to control these plague in a few countries. We in this study observed the evolution of the density of D. kuriphilus and T. sinensis eggs across time and space with the help of many numerical solution of mathematical models that are earlier proposed. We understand that the biological control with T. sinenis operates and thus eradicates D. kuriphilus from the infected area. We mainly observed that the simulations also shown that biological control is not effective over time, as D. kuriphilus returns to the same area. We recommend that it is important to reinject T. sinensis periodically into the infected zones for a sustained fight against D. kuriphilus.
Keywords: Biological Control, Mathematical Model, Numerical Simulations, Chestnut, Dryocosmus Kuriphilus, Torymus Sinensis Biological Control of the Chestnut Plants in Europe using Simulations
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