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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Smart Vehicles With Adaptive Intelligent Cruise Control System
Vesna Antoska-Knights, Zoran Gacovski, Stojce Deskovski
Faculty of Technol. and Technic. Sciences Veles, Macedonia., European University-Skopje, Macedonia., Technical Faculty-Bitola, Macedonia
Abstract: In this work, we studied the movement of smart cars using the platoon movement. The smart cars have Adaptive or Advanced cruise control (ACC) system also called Intelligent cruise control (ICC) or Adaptive Intelligent cruise control (AICC) system. The cruise control system makes to follow other vehicles on desired distance and to be organized in platoons. We develop a model to control and stability of an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) string, a car following model is being determined. Initially, we model the first vehicle, with platoon with same features and control, the single vehicle model is copied ten times to form model of platoon (string) with ten vehicles. We applied then the PID controllers to control this string, equal, except the leading vehicle. We deployed the feed forward control and feedback control approach for control of vehicle with nonlinear dynamics combination. We design the platoon ov vehicles Matlab/ Simulink models for experimental analysis.
Keywords: Platoon of Vehicles, Smart Cars, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Intelligent Transportation System, String Stability Smart Vehicles With Adaptive Intelligent Cruise Control System
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