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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Online Image Processing with TensorFlow
Ivan Videv and Ivo Draganov
Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: For image classification the TensorFlow is required and we studied the possibility of applying it. We have developed a web-based application with easy portability to various operating systems, which cover all the functionalities incorporated into the library. It follows the client-server model and take advantage of all the options for tuning, such as random crop, random scaling, etc. We did the experimentation using a set of 772 images of 3 types of objects taken in natural environment that shown the usability of the proposed framework for classification purposes. We convinced that the system can be used to solve general and strictly specialized tasks.
Keywords: Digital Image Classification, TensorFlow, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network Online Image Processing with TensorFlow
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