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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Metaheuristics Evolutionary Algorithms Vehicular Adhoc Networks
Danijel Cabarkapa and Petar Pavlovic
Higher School of Professional Technological Studies ‘abac H. Veljkova 10, ‘abac 15000, Serbia
Abstract: In the Mobile adhoc networks, the Vehicular adhoc networks are the integral part that helps to transfer information about the nearby vehicles and also between many vehicles and the devices uses in the vehicular networks. In testing the proposed models in VANET there are several constraints such as logistics, higher cost and reproducibility and hence the implementation channels rely on simulation experiments. While designing the models, the VANET simulations are important parts. The vehicular mobility models depend on the data reliability. To ease this testing process, currently the vehicular traces are used. We in this paper use the metaheuristics evolutionary algorithms and the simulations are produced by these algorithms. Besides, in this work, we have studied the benefits and limitations of the EA domains for producing vehicular traces.
Keywords: VANETs, Vehicular Traces, Traffic Simulation Model, Evolutionary Algorithms, Traffic Network Simulator Metaheuristics Evolutionary Algorithms Vehicular Adhoc Networks
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