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Journal of Intelligent Computing

Geographical Information System data Handling with Open Multicore Processing
Natalija Stojanovic, Dragan Stojanovic
Faculty of Electronic Engineering University of Nis, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Niš, Serbia., Faculty of Electronic Engineering University of Nis, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Niš, Serbia
Abstract: We have developed a multicore architecture to support the geospatial data management. For the multicore processing and using Geographic Information Systems, we have used parallel processing based on the application of Open Multi Processing. This will help to improve the use of map-matching computing system for the large spatial datasets with road segment networks. The algorithm designed is useful for performance of multicore system. We have conducted testing and found that the high performance computing in geographical information system is possible for validation.
Keywords: High-Performance Processing, GIS, Multicore Processors, OpenMP, Map-Matching, Viewshed Analysis Geographical Information System data Handling with Open Multicore Processing
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