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Journal of Intelligent Computing

GPS Receivers to Measure Moving Devices
Rosen Miletiev, Emil Iontchev, Ivaylo Simeonov, Rumen Yordanov
Rosen Miletiev is with the Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria., 2Emil Iontchev is with the Higher School of Transport “T.Kableshkov” 158 Geo Milev Street, Sofia 1574, Bulgaria.,
Abstract: Using the 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis magnetometer, barometer and GPS receiver, we have introduced the 11 DoF system to measure the dynamic moving devices. This process will solve the navigation tasks with the IMU and GPS systems. To send the inertial data with the help of GPRS connection to the remote servers the GSM modem is developed. The inertial and navigation data is used for the transfer of experimental data to represent the system possibilities. In this work, we have developed the efficiency of automated classifiers in the systems for measuring the quality.
Keywords: Inertial navigation, IMU system GPS Receivers to Measure Moving Devices
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