Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 10 ,Issue No. 2 2020

Exploring the Concept of “Tiers-Lieu” for Information Services: The Value of Conceptual Modeling
Jolita Ralyté, Michel Léonard
University of Geneva Institute of Information Service Science Geneva, Switzerland
Abstract: To be successful, Digital Transformation cannot be considered as a matter of a single department or a single organization, regardless of whether the organization is private or public. Its mission consists in providing new interdisciplinary or even trans-disciplinary information services. Therefore, collective intelligence is a key for its success. A collaborative approach enabling innovation and co-creation is necessary to develop sustainable and democratic information services. As a potential solution, we propose a novel approach called Tiers-Lieu for Services (TLS), that we introduce in this paper. In addition, we consider conceptual modeling as the central underpinning technique for co-designing information services and succeeding in a TLS. In the paper we report on two experimental TLS conducted in the context of our continuing education program. Based on these explorations we will further study the concept of TLS and progress towards defining a method for conducting TLS.
Keywords: Tiers-Lieu for Services, Digital Transformation, Conceptual Modeling, Information Service Exploring the Concept of “Tiers-Lieu” for Information Services: The Value of Conceptual Modeling
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