Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 10 ,Issue No. 3 2020

Progressive Web App for Medical Consultation
Diego Terán, Freddy Tapia, Joel Rivera, Hernán Aules
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE Sangolquí, Ecuador,Universidad Central del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador
Abstract: Health systems across countries have witnessed big investment and various health centers both public and private are being developed which also have problems. There are instances where the lack of organization and them is use of the available technological resources have caused a poor flow of information within the health centres causing problems of internal mobility towards the patients. Besides, the technological developments in the health sector with e-Health being one of these trends, which promotes the application and use of Information Technology in medical processes in all its levels, providing concepts and good practices that promote the implementation of new technological trends focused on this field. Thus the current work highlights the design of a methodological proposal which allows automating processes such as the delivery of information and internal mobility of patients, key aspects of this proposal, applied to a case study at the Integral Health Centre Assistant Matriz Norte (CISA). To achieve it we have developed a Progressive Web App with the Ionic Framework which allows to deliver all the necessary information to the patient regarding the automated processes, and at the same time the collection and validation of the results will be carried out based on the times of internal mobilization and satisfaction of the patients. In the experimentation process, the results are collected and analyzed and contrasted with the CISA absenteeism rates in order to reduce them.
Keywords: Absenteeism, E-health, Mobility, Progressive Web Apps, Cloud Computing, Ionic Framework Progressive Web App for Medical Consultation
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