Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 11 ,Issue No. 2 2021

The Computational Models for Inductive Reasoning
Milos Ilic, Vladimir Stankovic
College of Agriculture and Food Technology Cirila i Metodija 1, 18400 Prokuplje Serbia., Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the University of Nis Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis’ Serbia
Abstract: In this review, we have analysed and critically evaluated the inductive reasoning models. In the inductive reasoning, we draw conclusions which are not logically valid. In general, it is applied to make likely but not certain predictions about how people will behave in new environments. We in this paper, discussed and described the computational models and the basics of inductive reasoning. We have discussed how to implement and present how the models work, and give their positive and negative sides.
Keywords: Inductive Reasoning, Similarity Effects, Typicality Effects, Bayesian Model, Computational Modeling The Computational Models for Inductive Reasoning
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