Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 11 ,Issue No. 4 2021

Cluster Analysis of the Properties of Wines Using Various Parameters
Krastena Nikolova, Ivan Maslinkov, Irena Ivanova
Faculty of Economics at University of Food technologies Plovdiv, Bulgaria Technical Faculty at University of Food technologies Plovdiv, Bulgaria Faculty of Iconomics at Agricultural university Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
Abstract: In this work we basically intended to do a few assessments of wines that generate results with the help of statistical processing. We have studied the – color coordinates, lightness, Hue angle, chroma and transmission coefficient parameters. We have used cluster analysis for the study of the parameters and variables. We have clustered the samples into two principal groups with the use of dendrogram. It contains both the samples of white wines, and the combination of red wines and separates them by kind of grape, production method and region of growing the grapevine. The made classification allows increasing of the objectivity of the evaluation and uses optical properties in various selection programs. A factor analysis using PCA was applied on the basis of the found correlation matrix. Thus, the number of the studied indices was reduced to 2 factors, which explained 93.32% from the entire variation. The results address the color parameters a and b, lightness L, Hue angle H in SIELab and transmission coefficient at four different wavelength. We conclude that these properties are significant to understand the nature of wines.
Keywords: Wine, Optical Properties , Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis, PCA, Dendrogram Cluster Analysis of the Properties of Wines Using Various Parameters
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