Journal of Information Organization

Vol No. 11 ,Issue No. 4 2021

Comparative Analysis of more Commonly used Recursive Methods for Parameter Estimation in Adaptive Systems
Ivan V. Grigorov, Nasko R. Atanasov
Technical University of Varna
Abstract: The adaptive control covers a set of methods that provide a systematic approach for automatic control in realtime. Recursive methods for parameter estimation have to meet the requirements for identification algorithms in real time. This is determined from the fact that the adjustment of the model after the submission of new data from monitoring, and the development of new control action should be made in a single cycle of discretization. In this article will be made an analysis of some of more commonly used recursive methods for parameter estimation in adaptive systems and their variations.
Keywords: Adaptive System, Instrumental Variable Method, Least Squares Method, Recursive Methods for Parameter Estimation Comparative Analysis of more Commonly used Recursive Methods for Parameter Estimation in Adaptive Systems
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