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Research Publications Otput Among Academics in Pondicherry University: A Bibliometric Study (1987-2014)
Suresh C, Hema R, Sankarasubramaniam N
Central University Pondicherry India
Abstract: The ‘Bibliometrics’ and ‘Scientometrics’ are set of methods used for measuring the production and dissemination of the scientific knowledge’s. The data used for the study were obtained from the SCOPUS Database. Totally 2885 record was found from the above database during the study period 1987-2014. The relative growth rates of output in terms of research productivity are analyzed among the periods. Out of 2885 publications 2 (0.06%) of them published in 1987. 9 (0.31 %) of them published in 1988. 6 (0.20 %) of them published in 1989. Simultaneously increased publications in recent years 196 (6.79%) of them published in 2010. It is evident from the table that the highest 492 (17.05%) publications published in the year of 2014. Out of 2885 publications Article comprises with 2251 (78.02%) records, Conference paper comprises with 436 (15.11%) records, Review comprises with 83(2.87%) records, Book chapter comprises with 35 (1.21%) records, Article in Press comprises with 21 (0.72%) records etc. that the relative Growth rate and Doubling time for publications by Pondicherry University. It is clear that relative Growth rate of total research output is decreased gradually. The Growth rate is 1.17 in 1988 and which decreased up to 0.18 in 2014. The mean relative Growth rate for the periods of 1987 to 2014 the relative growth rate of 0.27. This study period resulted that the mean doubling time for total output 3.70. Author “Abbasi, S.A the highest number of publications for the study period with 149 (5.16 %) records.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Pondicherry University, Authorship Pattern, Relative Growth, Rate, Doubling Time
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