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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

Inclusion of Visually Impaired in Graphical User Interface Design
Mario Konecki
Faculty of Organization and Informatics University of Zagreb Pavlinska 2, 42000 Varazdin, Croatia
Abstract: Visually impaired programmers have been included into programming industry since its very beginning and they were able to perform their jobs without difficulties. Graphical user interfaces and point and click method of instructing computers have created many difficulties for visually impaired programming professionals. Visually impaired have interest in programming just as everyone else and the means of their inclusion in overall software development process are important issues that need to be resolved. One of disadvantages for visually impaired is the lack of assistive technology that would enable them to design and create graphical user interfaces. In this paper the GUIDL (Graphical User Interface Description Language) system that is aimed to resolve the mentioned issues is presented and discussed.
Keywords: Visually impaired, Graphical User Interface, GUI, Programming
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