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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

An Intelligent and Adaptive Model for Change Management
Ali Alshahrani
Arab Open University Saudi Arabia
Abstract: At present, the continuous and rapid changes that are taking place in the world today makes the change management models crucial to any organization. The existing change management models are outdated and often contradictory, which demands for new change management models to allow organizations to survive in the currently high competitive environment. In this paper, an intelligent and adaptive model for change management is developed that taking into consideration all the positive and/or negative effects (factors) that may take place at any time and any place. Based on these factors, accordingly, the proposed intelligent and adaptive model can efficiently find the reasonable solution then adapts to the exiting situation to avoid any failure of organizational management. This paper attempts to show how the proposed model can be effectively implemented in change management process.
Keywords: Change Management, Decision Support System, External Environment, Internal Environment, Processing System
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